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Television is certainly one of the most influential forces of our time . Through the device called a television set or TV , we are able to receive news, sports, entertainment, information and commercials., etc. The average American spends between two and five hours a day glued to "the tube"!

Have anyone ever wondered about the technology that makes television possible? How is it that dozens or hundreds of channels of full- motion video arrive at our house , in many cases for free? How does our television decode the signals to produce the picture ? How will the new digital television signals change things ? If we have ever wondered about our television ( or, for that matter , about our computer monitor), then read on! In this article we will answer all of these questions and more.


Let's start at beginning with a quick note about our brain. There are two amazing things about our brain that make television possible.

By understanding these two facts , we can gain a good bit of insight into why televisions are designed the way they are.

The standard piece of video that we see on our TV everyday embodies two principles that make it possible.

The first principle is this: If we divide a still image into a collection of small colored dots, our brain will reassemble the dots into a meaningful image.This is no small feat, as any researcher who has tried to program a computer to understand a images will tell us. The only way we can see that this is actually happening is to blow the dots up so big that our brains can no longer assemble them, like this:

Most people , sitting right up close to their computer screens , cannot tell what it is a picture of - the dots are too big for our brain to handle. If we stand 10 to 15 feet away from our monitor, however, our brain will be able to assemble the dots in the image and we will clearly see that it as it was meant to be seen. By standing at a distance , the dots become small enough for our brain to integrate them into a recognizable image.

Both televisions and computer screens (as well as newspaper and magazine photos ) rely on this fusion - of - small - colored - dots capability in the human brain to chop pictures up into this fusion-of-small-colored-dots capability in the human brain to chop pictures up into thousands of individual elements . On a TV or computer screen , the dots are called pixels . The resolution of our computer's screen might be 800*600 pixels , or may be 1024*768 pixels.

The human brain's second amazing feature relating to television is this : If we divide a moving scene into a sequence of still pictures / images in rapid succession, the brain will reassemble the still images into a single , moving scene.

For knowing about another forms of technology follow the link:


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